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21CSA Implementation Notes

Page history last edited by Holly Rae 14 years ago

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21st Century Skills Assessment (21CSA) Implementation Notes

Please note: This information reflects the evaluation plan which must be negotiated through an adjusted timeline etc. and individual district needs - it is a work in progress.




The 21CSA is a measurement tool for one of the strategies for project Goal 1. It is also a measurement for Goal 2, but at this point, the focus of this page is assessment of students.


Goal 1

Improve academic achievement for New Mexico’s K-12 students, especially in rural areas, by implementing technology-enhanced teaching methods in alignment with standards [NMCSB and National Educational Technology Standards for students (NETS, Appendix 1)], which support 21st century learning and prepare students to meet NCLB technology literacy requirements.


Measurable Objective

Students of participating educator teams will improve achievement in assessment of NETS on a summative assessment of 21st century skills and through formative classroom assessment.


Develop assessment strategies for evaluating students 21st Century Skills.



To what degree and in what ways has C21CL improved student achievement towards NETS? 

  • possible comparison of team data from general student data on multiple assessments between 2009-2011.
  • possible by comparison of baseline team data in a given grade level from first year to second year.




  • December 23 - Emails were sent to Admins from accounts@learning.com - coordinators identified above should check your email boxes for this important login and password information.
  • January 2010 - Professional development to support Learning.com implementation
  • February-April 2010 - Implementation of Year 1 Assessment
    • Educators participate in pre and post without Portfolio (approximately 3 hours)
    • Students participate in pre and post without Portfolio (approximately 3 hours of instructional time)
  • Fall 2010 - Implementaiton of Year 2 Pre Assessment with Portfolio (Approximately 3.5 hours of instructional time)
  • Spring 2011 - Implementation fo Year 2 Post Assessment with Portfolio (Approximately 3.5 hours of instructional time)


Implementation specifics

District Learning.com Coordinator & email address Elementary Licenses Spring 2010

(pre/post test only, no portfolio)
Secondary Licenses Spring 2010

(pre/post test only, no portfolio)
Secondary Licenses for EDUCATOR TEAM
(Teacher Area) Spring 2010 and SY 2010-11

Elementary Licenses SY 2010-11

(pre w/ portfolio & post w/ portfolio)

Secondary Licences SY 2010-11

(pre w/ portfolio & post w/ portfolio)

Names of Schools using elementary licenses Names of Schools using secondary licenses

Vernon Smith 


25  71 4 25  71




1. Sarracino M.S.

2. Socorro H.S. 


Mary Leininger leiningerm@dexterdemons.org  

575-734-5420 ext 367.

25  75  0   100  Dexter Elementary School Dexter Middle School, Dexter High School 
Las Cruces

Marcy Oxford





100  5 20 100  5 University Hills Elementary  Sierra Middle School 


Becky Borowski

35 45 5 35 45 Carrizozo Elementary 1, 2, 4

Carrizozo Mid School 7-8

Carrizozo High School 10th


Brenda Richardson


50 44 6 50 44 R.V. Traylor Elem School, SouthSide Elem School Dugan-Tarango Middle School, Lordsburg High School
 T or C

Sandy Johnson


50 96 4 50 96

Arrey Elementary

Sierra Elementary

T or C Middle School

Hot Springs High School



Original request notes from Nov. 11 Meeting

  • Numbers shared in chat and or by follow up email - SEE ABOVE for actual licenses.

    District # ELEM requested # SEC requested Total
    T or C 50 100 150
    SCS 25 75 100
    LMS 75 50 125
    DCS 25 75 100
    CMS 35 50 85
    LCPS 59 59 120
    Total <280 <420 700

Resources about Coordination & Implementation of Learning.com


Beta Testing of Teacher NETS•T assessment


Update: Each districts has been provided 40 seats for this beta test. They are available within the Learning.com system. The closing date is Feb. 26. These are free assessments and results will be shared with you, but be aware that the test has not been calibrated by psychometricians yet.


We may have an opportunity to beta test a tech literacy assessment based on the NETS*T 2008. It would mean participating in a test during February with reports available in April. On the wiki you can locate resources shared by Learning.com about this beta test (includes info, faqs and a sample teacher report).


Conducting this assessment with our educators would support the evaluation of goal 2:

Build educator capacity to transform their practice by providing access to high quality professional development in order to prepare educators to to meet NETS•T and NM Teacher Competencies


If our project was accepted to participate, participating educators would complete one assessment with portfolio between Feb 1-15. A preparatory WebEx training session would be provided in advance between Jan. 27 and Feb. 2. The time needed to complete the beta assessment is approximately two class periods.


As the NETS•T assessment was not available at the beginning of the project, we did not have plans to use it for Goal 2 evaluation. We are working, however, to adapt our plan to include an NETS•T assessment (pre and post with portfolio) for year 2.


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