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Contact Directory

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Contact Directory


Name Number Email Title/Responsibilities Other Info
Holly Rae Bemis-Schurtz 575-646-4699 hollyrae@nmsu.edu C21CL Project Coordinator RETA/NMSU 
Brenda Richardson  575-590-0657  brichardson@lmsed.org 

RETA Instructor

Technology Technician

Lordsburg Municipal Schools
Diana Brown  575-734-5420 ext 363  brownd@dexterdemons.org   IT Director Dexter Scools 
Tammie Hardt 575-734-5420 ext 618 hardtt@dexterdemons.org RETA Apprentice Instructor

Dexter Schools

Vernon Smith 575-838-3134 vsmith@socorro.k12.nm.us


RETA Instructor

Director of Technology

Socorro Consolidated Schools

Ashley A. Ivins 575-993-1455 ashley.ivins@carrizozogrizzlies.org 

Science Teacher

Intern Principal

MESA Advisor

Carrizozo Municipal Schools
Becky Borowski 575-648-2346 exit 120 becky.borowski@carrizozogrizzlies.org

C21CL Project Coor.

Online Education


Carrizozo Municipal Schools

Tina Glatz 575-649-6407 tglatz@lcps.k12.nm.us

RETA Instructor

Onate High School Library Media Specialist

Las Cruces Public Schools/DACC
Vincent Gargotta 575-835-2673 vgargotta@socorro.k12.nm.us Art Teacher and Publications

Socorro Consolidated Schools


Cathy Barela 575-648-2346 ext. 125 cathy.barela@carrizozogrizzlies.org  2nd Grade Teacher

Carrizozo Municipal Schools


Anne Serna


ext 127

anne.serna@carrizozogrizzlies.org 4th grade Carrizozo Municipal Schools
Kayce Patterson


ext 123


1st Grade

Reading First

Carrizozo Municipal Schools


Zulema Gutierrez   zgutierrez@lmsed.org 1st Grade Teacher Lordsburg Municipal Schools

Geraldine DeFoor

  gdefoor@lmsed.org 2nd Grade Teacher Lordsburg Municipal Schools
Anna McCants   amccants@lmsed.org Kinder Teacher Lordsburg Municipal Schools
Priscilla Barrera 575-542-5700 pbarrera@lmsed.org 1st Grade Teacher Lordsburg Municipal Schools
Phyllis McDonald 575-538-8448 tollerphyllis@comcast.net RETA Instructor /Journalism/World History/Communication Skills Lordsburg Municipal Schools
Ryan Chaney 575-590-0710 rchaney@lmsed.org Technology Coord/C21CL Project Coor. Lordsburg Municipal Schools
Sergio Cardona  


Arrey Elementary

Truth or Consequences
Stacy Coulter
  scoulter@torcschools.net Hot Springs High School Truth or Consequences
Sandra Johnson   sjohnson@torcschools.net T or C Middle Truth or Consequences
Cary Wyatt   cwyatt@torcschools.net T or C Middle Truth or Consequences
Thea Hand 575-649-5619 thand@lcps.k12.nm.us Zia Middle School Las Cruces Public Schools
Yahaira Chanlatte   ychanlatte@gmail.com University Hills Elementary Las Cruces Public Schools
Melissa Rucker 575-894-9043 mrucker@torcschools.net
TCES Elementary Truth or Consequences
Amy Jaramillo 575-894-1889 ajaramillo.jaramillo87@gmail.com SWREC 10 Truth or Consquences


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